Join Star Citizen

Use the code STAR-TF6P-Q9H7 to get 5000 UEC
and a free Hoverbike Mirai Pulse with LifeTime insurance!

Sign UP NOW! Create an account on RSI with the code

ExploreStar Citizen

The biggest space sim, backed by the players!

Star Citizen is a project reaching it's 10th year of development, and finally the vision is starting to materialize. A universe where you can travel seamlessly between stars and planets, where everything you do matters, a full persistence. Countless jobs awaits you. Hop on a fighter on be part of the crew on a capital ship. Do you like to mine? to be an engineer? To be a marine or maybe a trader. Full spacheships interiors, seamless transition from space to planetary surface, fully explorable planets and moons, a huge galaxy awaits you! Star Citizen is an revolutionary MMO, built from the groud up to be the most innovative and comprehensive experience you could get.

FPS missions, space combat, trading, medical, rapair and refuel, mining.. There is a game loop for every player. And this is just the beginning! 100 Systems are coming into the game, full persistence and server meshing will make this game the most amazing metaverse out there. Remember to get a little help using the referral code STAR-TF6P-Q9H7 when registering to get 5$ worth of credits for free. If you need any help there are a lot of usefull guide on the RSI website

cave mining star citizen


Crack the rocks and get rich, Star Citizen offers a full mining loop with handminables, ground vehicles mining and also solo/multy-crew ship mining! The reffining process is also part of this gameplay and more is coming.

star citizen first person shooter action

FPS gameplay

You can be a mercenary expert in explosives, a medic with his drugs, a marine part of a big regiment or solo futuristic Indiana Jones that traverses labirynts, it's up to you.

join an org play the game

Join an organization

Star Citizen is best with friends! Join an org for extra fun! This way you will be able to test all the ships, the community is super friendly and eager to help.

Star Citizen Referral CodeSTAR-TF6P-Q9H7

Use this code when registering for free 5000 UEC worht 5$. This way you can have an easy start!

Use the code

How much does it cost?

Star Citizen is free to play for a limited time. After that you can buy a game package (often on sale) for around 40$, no subscription is required and you can acquire all the ships in-game for no extra cash. Hundreds of hours of gameplay awaits you!

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